What a fabulous Masquerade Party! It was wonderful to see so many parents and students there in their masks and dancing. The Student Council did a great job with organising this event and with the decorations. Thank you and well done! Thank you also to all the staff who helped out.Read More
We all had a wonderful day on Thursday as the school celebrated World Teachers’ Day. The students did a fantastic job of teaching some of the classes. We also thoroughly enjoyed the games and races the Student Council organised. The teachers are all in agreement – it is truly a pleasure to be a teacher,...Read More
Classes did a fantastic job decorating their classrooms with an Autumn theme. It was a very difficult decision for the judges to decide which one was the best. Year 1 and 2 were the winners, with the Early Years getting an honourable mention. We also had a fun afternoon of games organised by the Student...Read More
Ms. Esther Hagan led this week’s assembly with the reading of a story, The Day the Crayons Quit – a story touching on such themes as diversity, inclusion, cooperation. The students then learnt a new technique for creating pictures using crayons and watercolours. There were some great results in the end.Read More
It was great to see everyone return to ISA after the holidays. To welcome everyone to the new academic year, we held our first ever Akwabaa Games. Students worked in teams to complete a range of fun activities. It’s good to be back at school!Read More
Book Week was from 7th to 10th March, 2023 and we spent the time celebrating books and nurturing a lifelong love for books and reading. The theme for this year’s Book Week was Read.Grow.Inspire. The theme was masterly brought to life throughout the week. On Tuesday, we practiced buddy reading and the older students read with the younger ones. Year 8 and 9 students were...Read More
From 13th to 17th February 2023, the school celebrated International Week and students were busy finding out about their chosen continents/countries. Students also looked at some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in terms of their chosen continents and countries. This included the level of poverty, gender equity, health services, average education reached, clean...Read More
This week’s assembly was dedicated to the Student Council. Our new Student Council was inaugurated and then they had their first meeting. They have begun planning Student Council events for the next few months. Standing Left to Right: Tracy (Yr 3 Rep), Sarah (Yr 9 Rep), Masouda (Yr 4 Rep), Audrey (Treasurer), Nshira (President), Edna...Read More
As part of the school’s preparation towards CIS accreditation, the school is reviewing its Guiding Statements and there have been different sessions with staff, students and the board. Parents took their turn on 2nd March 2023 at 6.30pm in the MKV Clubhouse. The meeting began with a presentation by the Prinicpal on the accreditation process and the...Read More
On Friday, 10th February 2023, an essential element of our annual Student Council electioneering process was held in Assembly time. Thirty-six (36) candidates vying for various positions gave their speeches. It was delightful to see some budding politicians at work! Thereafter, elections for the Student Council Leadership (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) were conducted and all students...Read More